The Imitation Game:  Detecting and Thwarting Automated Bot Attacks

Tuesday, February 11
11 a.m. Pacific | 2 p.m. Eastern

Website operators are constantly trying to determine whether bots accessing their websites are good bots or bad bots. Good bots can support online applications while bad bots can do significant damage to the application owners. They can be used by competitors to carry out DDoS attacks, scrape pricing information and mine deal data to steal deals meant for legitimate customers, spam comment and search engine optimization, carry out online web fraud, hijack accounts and more.

Defenders are fighting back, though, with a variety of defenses aimed at detecting and stopping even the stealthiest of attacks, known as Advanced Persistent Bots. And it appears that defenders are holding their own in the battle.

In late 2019 EMA surveyed IT and IT security respondents to learn how organizations are responding to this increasingly virulent attack vector. Join Paula Musich, research director at EMA, for a webinar that will provide highlights from this new research, including:

  • How broad the attack surface is and how extensively organizations are defending it
  • What types of attacks are most prevalent and which are hardest to detect
  • How users rate the effectiveness and accuracy of their bot defense technologies
  • What benefits organizations are realizing in their bot defense deployments



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Paula Musich
Research Director, EMA