AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and every other public and private cloud come with their individual sets of strengths and weaknesses, but they have one thing in common: they make it easy and fast for enterprises to spin up Kubernetes clusters. Meanwhile, development and application teams make their own cloud choices, often on a per-project basis. This leads to a fragmented landscape of differently architected Kubernetes stacks, managed by separate teams and with separate toolchains for development, operations, and security.
Join Torsten Volk, managing research director at leading IT research firm EMA, and Pete Cruz, manager, product and technical marketing at Red Hat, for an informative webinar in which you will:
The 8 Key Pain Points of Kubernetes Cluster Management
Visibility: Lack of a central control plane to manage a constantly increasing number of Kubernetes clusters, applications, data, and policies within their respective business context.
Compliance: Lack of a joint audit trail across on-premises and public cloud application environments.
Policy management: Inconsistent application placement and promotion from development to production.
Operations management: Different clouds come with a different set of APIs and management tools.
Application management: Traditional applications and distributed apps require different tools and different operators.
Cost inefficiencies: Optimized and consolidated deployment of applications, infrastructure, and management tools is difficult.
Collaboration: Developers, operators, SREs, and security staff do not have a place to collaborate.
Self-service: Developers and QA teams constantly deploy inconsistently configured Kubernetes clusters to different locations.
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Torsten Volk
Managing Research Director
Pete Cruz
Manager, Product & Technical Marketing
Red Hat