DDI Directions: DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management Strategies for the Multi-Cloud Era


DNS, DHCP and IP address management (DDI) are core services essential to network connectivity and communications. A DDI technology suite manages the assignment of IP addresses and the mapping of those IP addresses to DNS domains. People who lack networking expertise make think it’s trivial, but an ineffective approach to DDI can lead to downtime, security breaches, and worse. 

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) has published the most comprehensive market research study on DDI solutions in over a decade, “DDI Directions: DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management Strategies for the Multi-Cloud Era.” Based on a survey of 333 enterprise DDI experts, this research found that less than 40% of enterprises are fully successful in their approach to DDI technology. 

Join Shamus McGillicuddy, EMA vice president of research for a webinar that will explore the following:

  • Why only 31% of enterprise are confident in the security of their DNS infrastructure
  • How DDI enables network automation
  • How cloud migration disrupts DDI strategy and what you can do about it
  • What to look for in an ideal DDI product


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Shamus McGillicuddy, Vice President of Research, Network Management, EMA

Shamus McGillicuddy
VP of Research