Real-world incident response, management, and prevention  


Incidents and outages happen. Decreasing their frequency, duration/MTTR, and impact collectively forms a never-ending objective – one that Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) research rates as the top goal for IT organizations globally.  

Some organizations are fighting a losing battle, while others are successfully taming the beast:

  • An unsurprising 82% of a recent EMA research panel characterized incidents and outages as increasing every year (19% went so far as to assert that “increased reliance on IT guarantees continued increases”)
  • However, a fascinating 18% of the same panel ran countertrend, stating that incidents and outages decreased due to proactive systems they’ve put in place

Join EMA Research Director Valerie O’Connell for this 30-minute, vendor-neutral webinar as she discusses new research into the current, practical, and desired states of incident response and management, including:

  • The roles of AI and automation in incident management
  • Practical use cases for gen AI
  • Business metrics and results
  • Near-term investments and anticipated changes
  • How organizations are changing to exploit technology advances 



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valerie oconnell

Valerie O’Connell
Research Director